Web of Faith 2.0


  • Why We are Catholic

Web of Faith 2.0- with Fr. John Trigilio and Fr. Ken Brighenti

Fr. John Trigilio and Fr. Ken Brighenti, along with other internet experts, handle questions on matters of faith. The many topics covered include questions about the Mass, prayer, the spiritual realm of angels and demons, and the Bible. They fearlessly take to the airwaves in this installment of episodes from their popular series.

Catch all the vintage, “off the cuff” humor, plentiful sound doctrine, and common sense wisdom trademarked by these members of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy and Confraternity of Mary.  Frs. Levis and Trigilio display the practicality of the Catholic Faith as it applies to everyday living.




  • Sunday - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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